For my 'Spatial descriptions' projects I ask others to draw their interpretation of a description of a space.

I interpret a room - I describe my interpretation of that room- someone interprets my interpretation and draws their interpretation - a third person interprets the interpretation of an interpretation of an interpretation.

The theme of the projects is to portray the various changes a subject can undergo during interpretation.




'U bevindt zich hier, You are here' was part of the exhibition 'To be untitled' in 2012 in the St Lucas Academy. This exhibition project consisted of a series of drawings based on a description of the exhibition building. During the exhibition the drawings were presented in the described space.

(Drawing by: Rafael Rodriguez)








Book, hardcover 15x15 cm

'III' is a book containing the results of my work that was part of the the exhibition 'School of Arts' (Orteliushuis, December 2011). III ends with a description of the loft on the third floor of the Ortelius house in Kloosterstraat 14 in Antwerp. During the exhibition this loft was inaccessible. The readers of this description were asked to draw their personal interpretation of my description.